What is the tensile strength of gabion mesh?
What is the tensile strength of gabion mesh?

The tensile strength of gabion mesh can vary depending on the material used and the manufacturing process, but generally, it is designed to be very high to ensure durability and effectiveness in its applications. Typically, gabion mesh is made from steel wire that is coated with zinc (galvanized), PVC, or galfan (zinc-aluminum alloy) to resist corrosion. The tensile strength of standard galvanized steel wire used in gabion meshes might range from to 500 N/mm²

It's important to note that when selecting gabion mesh for a project, one refer to the product specifications provided by the manufacturer to determine the exact tensile strength of the material. These specifications ensure that the gabion mesh meets the engineering requirements for intended application, whether it be for erosion control, retaining walls, or other stabilization purposes.